Visit Now for Self Healing through Art at H2healing

Simply, Art Heals. Whether through taking time to appreciate art or bringing out your creative side. Exposure to art & participation in creative activities creates positive brain changes. We invite you to set aside just 10-minutes to experience your own art appreciation and help stimulate your brain and emotions. To help you make a start, we’re sharing recordings of narrated art appreciation from Combat Stress, which will guide you and that you may find useful.

You do not need to be an artist. The process simply involves bringing out your artistic personality to achieve change or better knowledge of yourself. This Self Healing through Art program will definitely bring change in your mental health. Art Therapy promotes a positive and humanistic vision of the individual, capable of overcoming the challenges one encounters thanks to one's inner resources, which must sometimes be unlocked.

Art therapists have stepped out of their comfort zones to get creative virtually. Want to try unleashing your creativity in a small group? Use the contact information below to request your name be placed on a waitlist for our next facilitated Art session or visit our website for information about the therapy. 


Anonymous said…
Art program definitely bring change in mental health. Must run this type of Self healing program. Great work and blog.

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