Get To Know How To Restoring Faith after a SetBack
We have to consider healing resources if we feel anxious, depressed, and lonely in life. Have you ever had your hopes and dreams absolutely destroyed before your eyes? Such loss is entirely devastating and seems absolutely unbelievable at the time. It affects you physically to the point of sickness and depression and emotionally with tears and trembling in anger and hurt. It affects you intellectually as you feel betrayed by all that trust and investment in time and effort. That's why we at Hope to Healing offer you healing courses that help to make you feel more confident and motivated in life. In this course, we will explore the crisis of faith moments throughout the bible to discover how others have bounced back. This course contains 36 lessons, 5 prayers, 4 Reflection Worksheets, and 2 eBooks on Courage and Devotion. View more courses with life-changing lessons and Finding Love is a self-guided or small group bible study with 8 Courses: Introduction, Biblical Love, The Great...